#22 UCB UC伯克利大学
明确暑期课程远程上课:2020 Summer Sessions instruction will be delivered remotely.
Link: https://news.berkeley.edu/coronavirus/
#23 USC 南加州大学
Although we do not anticipate any impacts on our fall semester, things can change rapidly. Keep an eye on USC’s COVID-19 website. It is updated regularly and is the official source for USC information about the disease and its impact on our university.
Link: https://admission.usc.edu/coronavirus/#/current-applicants
#24 Georgetown University 乔治城大学
目前只有说flexible 并且成绩可以只是Pass/Fail: Georgetown will be flexible and understanding regarding the transition many of you are making to a virtual learning environment. We also understand that the school year has come to an abrupt end for others. We anticipate that some of you will receive traditional grades for this semester and others will simply be issued a pass/fail grade. Whatever the scenario you are facing, we are happy to work with you and your school counselor. Individual schools and school districts are making decisions for their student populations that we will respect and honor when reviewing your transcript.
Link: https://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/covid-19-admissions-updates-for-admitted-students/
#25 Carnegie Mellon University卡耐基梅隆大学
Education & Coursework: Remote learning/instruction for summer term
Research: Most research conducted remotely; phased ramp-up of some on-site research
Staff: Working mostly remote; essential staff partially on campus, but with restrictions
Link: https://www.cmu.edu/coronavirus/index.html
#26 The University of Michigan密歇根安娜堡
密歇根安娜堡:比较乐观;希望秋季能恢复校园上课,同时也认为实现的话目前还有问题:The University of Michigan is taking initial steps to plan for a return to on-campus operations, while adhering to evolving public-health-informed measures put in place by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reopening of the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses will happen gradually as health and safety conditions allow.
President Mark Schlissel says he is “cautiously optimistic” the university will be able to deliver “as much in-person instruction as possible” during the fall semester, but many questions remain about how that will be accomplished.
Link: https://coronavirus.umich.edu/
#27 University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学
When will the University announce plans for Fall 2020?
The Fall 2020 Committee is currently developing recommendations about the Fall 2020 academic semester. President Ryan expects to update the University community about plans no later than mid-June. For more information about the committee, see UVA Today.
Link: https://www.virginia.edu/coronavirus/faq?utm_source=VirginiaHP&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tripleblock#students
Online Courses
***Per the announcement that Summer Session will now be fully remote, please check this page and WIN after Friday, May 22 for the most up-to-date course listings for Summer 2020***
Below is a full list of online courses being offered during summer 2020.
Current and prospective Wake Forest students should note that no more than 15 credit hours earned through fully online courses may be applied toward graduation. Of these, no more than six credit hours may be transferred from another institution. Undergraduate students in the College may not enroll in any online course for credit during their first two semesters at Wake Forest.
Exceptions to the above policy are as follows:
a) In any term where the only Wake Forest institutional course offerings are online, those courses will not count against limits on the number of hours of online courses allowed.
b) In any term where Wake Forest institutional course offerings are offered in person and online as an emergency action, those courses will not count against limits on the number of hours of online courses allowed.
c) These policies will stand until they are approved by the college faculty or June 1, 2021.
Visiting students should consult their home university prior to registration to ensure transfer credit for online courses will be accepted.
Link: http://summer.college.wfu.edu/online-courses/
In accordance with public health guidance and in order to slow the potential of transmission of the COVID-19 virus and protect vulnerable populations from exposure, Wake Forest University is limiting all campus functions to essential ones. Faculty and staff have been directed to work remotely, where possible, effective immediately.
All campus tours, visits and information sessions have been discontinued until further notice. In general, visitors should avoid coming to campus until normal operations resume.
Link: https://coronavirus.wfu.edu/university-communications/wake-forest-visitor-campus-access-guidelines/